Phiếu ôn hè Tiếng Anh Lớp 1 - Unit 12: Dinnertime!

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  1. Exercise 1 : Write the correct word under the picture. juice grapes rice ice cream carrots milk chicken fish tomatoes water bread tea / Chips . . . Exercise 2 Look and write Yes or No 1. I have got a cake . . 2. I have got bananas. . 3. I have got pizza. . 4. I have got an apple. 5. I haven’t got chicken. 6. I have got orange juice. pg. 1
  2. Exercise 3 Look and complete the sentences a) I eat breakfat at seven o’clock. I eat a and I drink b) I eat lunch at eleven o’clock. I eat and I drink c) I eat dinner at seven o’clock. I I eat and I drink Exercise 4 : Look and write : Yes, I do or No , I don’t a. Do you like carrots ? () b. Do you like bread ? ( ) c. Do you like yogurt ? () Yes, I do. d. Do you like pizza ?() e. Do you like juice ? ( ) f. Do you like fish ? ( ) g. Do you like milk ? ( ) h. Do you like apples ? () i. Do you like ice cream ? () j. Do you like tomatoes ? ( ) k. Do you like meat ? () l. Do you like rice ? () pg. 2
  3. Exercise 5 : Look and write a. What do you like ? b. What do you like ? c. What do you like ? I like juice. d. What do you like ? e. What do you like ? f. What do you like ? g. What do you like ? h. What do you like ? i. What do you like ? Exercise 6 : Odd one out: 1. a. fish b. meat c. beef d. fruit juice 2. a. bread b. nurse c. noodles d. rice 3. a. doctor b. fireman c. rubber d. teacher 4. a. yellow b. blue c. green d. ten 5. a. juice b. milk c. water d. apple 6. a. bananas b. apples c. grapes d. fish pg. 3
  4. Exercise 7 : Complete the text with the words form the box. likes likes doens’t likes likes like The zoo is busy, there are lots of aniamls .It’s six o’clock and the animals are having breakfast.The zebra (1) likes apples but he (2) ___ bananas . The monkey (3) ___lovely yellow bananas for breakfat and the tiger (4) ___ steak .The snake doesn’t(5) ___ peas – he(6) ___ a big rat for breakfast – yum! Exercise 8 : Complete the sentences. pizza salad apples chips biscuits hamburgers Hi, I’m Tom .I like hamburgers. I don’t like ___. Hello. I’m Molly. I like ___ . I don’t like ___. My nam’s Billy . I like ___. I don’t like ___. pg. 4
  5. Exercise 9 : Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. a) What/like?/do /you/- I like chicken. b) carrots./I/like/ c) Do/like/you/meat ? Yes, I do. d) milk?/Do/you/like/ - No , I don’t. e) bread./I/like/ f) tomatoes?/Do/you/like/ - Yes , I do g) What do you like ? – like/I/ sandwiches. h) Do /chicken ? /like/you/ - Yes, I do. I ) Do/grapes?/like/you/- Yes , I do. j) yogurt./I/like/ k )What/like?/do/you/- fish./I/like/ l ) What/like?/do/you/- cherries ./I/like/ Exercise 10 : Read the passage and answer questions Peter and Jane are in a café. It’s dinnertime. Peter has got bread, meat and eggs. For desert, he has got bananas and yogurt. He drinks milk. Jane has got carrots, fish and rice. For desert, she has got grapes and ice cream. She drinks apple juice. 1. Where are Peter and Jane? 2. What has Peter got for his desert? 3. What does Peter drink? 4. Has Jane got bread, meat and eggs? 5. What does Jane drink? pg. 5
  6. Exercise 11 Listen and complete the dialogues. Exercise 12 : Choose correct answer 1. What do you like? I like A. cats B. fish C. bread D. orange juice 2.Do you like elephants? A. Yes, I have. B. No, I don’t. C. No, I haven’t. D. Yes, I don’t. 3. I have got for desert. A. fish B. bread C. rice D. banana 4. She eggs, fish and an apple. A. have got B. got C. haven’t got D. has got 5.Does she like snakes? A. Yes, She has. B. Yes. He does C. No, she doesn’t. D. No, she don’t 6. Do you pizza ? Yes, I do. A. like B. likes C. don’t like pg. 6