Phiếu ôn hè Tiếng Anh Lớp 1 - Unit 14: Action Boy can run!

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Nội dung text: Phiếu ôn hè Tiếng Anh Lớp 1 - Unit 14: Action Boy can run!

  1. Exercise 1 : Look and write a. What can he do ? b. What can they do ? c. What can he do ? d. What can she do ? He can run. . . . e. What can he do ? f. What can it do ? g. What can he do ? h. What can she do ? . . . . i. What can he do ? j. What can he do ? k. What can she do ? l. What can he do ? . . . . pg. 1
  2. Exercise 2 : Write can or can’t He draw. He play football. She cook. He swim. She climb. They dance. It fly. She sing. He write. pg. 2
  3. Exercise 3 : Read , look and write Yes, he can. Yes, she can. Yes, they can. No , he can’t. No, she can’t. No, they can’t. a. Can he swim ? ( ) b. Can they run ? () c. Can she climb ? () No, he can’t. d. Can they dance ? () e. Can he sing ? ( ) f. Can he play football ? ( ) g. Can she draw ? () h. Can she cook ? () i. Can he walk ? ( ) pg. 3
  4. Exercise 4 : Look at the table and choose the correct option. Lucy Tom play football  speak English  sing  cook  draw  climb  swim  a. Lucy can/can’t play footbal. b. Tom can/can’t speak English. c. Lucy can/can’t sing. d. Tom can/can’t sing. e. Tom can/can’t cook. f. Lucy can/can’t draw. g. Tom can /can’t climb. h. Lucy can/can’t swim. i. Tom can/can’t swim. j. Lucy can/can’t climb. Exercise 5 : Read and match a. What can he do ? 1. I can draw. a. _ 2 b. Can he swim ? 2. He can climb. b. c. What can she do ? 3. No, he can’t. c. d. Can they dance ? 4. She can cook. d. e. Can she sing ? 5. No, they can’t. e. f. What can they do ? 6. Yes, she can. f. g. What can you do ? 7. They can dance. g. pg. 4
  5. Exercise 6 : Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. a) He/swim. /can/ b) play/football./He/can/ c) It/fly/and/climb./can/  He can swim. . . d) The/can/frog/jump./ e) Can/he/sing ?/ f) My/can/cook./sister/ . . . g)Can /play/your father/football ? h) He/ride a bike./can/ i) he/Can/play/tennis ?/ . . . j) Can/talk?/it / k ) play chess? /Can / he / l ) He/cook./can’t/ . . . m ) It/trees/climb/can/ n) your/brother/Can/cook ?/ o ) She./sing/can’t/ . . . Exercise 7 : Look and read . Choose yes or no Yes No 1. Can a snake run ?  2 1 2. Can a giraffe fly ? 3.Can a monkey climb? 3 4 4.Can an elephant walk? 5.Can an alligator swim? 5 6 6.Can a lion fly ? pg. 5
  6. Exercise 8 : Look and write play swim run fast skate play play draw ride a football chess guitar bike Helen can play football . ( Helen ) a) ( Kate ) b) ( John ) c) ( Alice ) d) ( Tom and Jim ) e) ( Ben ) f) ( Peter ) g) ( Joe and Meg ) pg. 6
  7. Exercise 9 : Look at the table and answer the questions a) Can Anna sing ? . b) Can Mike ride a bike ? . c) Can Tim and Samantha cook ? . d) Can Anna play the guitar ? . e) Can John and Paul swim ? . f) Can Cathy dance ? . Exercise 10 : Look at the table and complete the sentences with can or can’t a) Mike can dance but Anna . b) Cathy can swim but she . cook. c) Tim and Samantha . ride a bike. d) John and Paul play the guitar but they sing. e) Mike . play the guitar but Cathy f) Mike ride a bike but he cook. g) Tim and Samantha swim but they sing. pg. 7
  8. Exercise 11 Read the sentencse about the aniamls below and write : “ True” or “ False “ pg. 8