Phiếu ôn hè Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 - Unit 9: Where does she work?

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Nội dung text: Phiếu ôn hè Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 - Unit 9: Where does she work?

  1. Unit 9 Where does she work ? Exercise 1: Look and write. hospital school bank zoo fire station police station store station supermarket airport Exercise 2: Look and write. a) He works in a police station. b) c) d) e) f) pg. 1
  2. Unit 9 Where does she work ? Exercise 3 : Read , look and write : Yes, he does. Yes, she does. No, he doesn’t. No , she doesn’t. a) Does he work in a bank? b) Does she work in a shop? c) Does he work in a police station? d) Does she work in a zoo? e) Does he work in an airport? f) Does she work in a school? Exercise 4 : Fill in the jobs. 1. works in a hospital. 2. works in a school. 3. works in a police station. 4. .works in a fire station. 5. .works in an airport. A teacher A doctor A fireman A pilot A policeman pg. 2
  3. Unit 9 Where does she work ? Exercise 5: Put the words in the correct order. a) Does – work – in – a bank – Tom? b) She – in – a zoo – works c) a fire station – works – My dad – in d) Maria – work – in – a hospital – Does? e) My mom – in – a store – works f) I – police station – work – in – a g) My – an office – sister – works - in h) aunt - works – in - a supermarket – My i) My – a station – uncle – works – in j) a bank – He – works – in k)a hospital – your mom – Does – work – in? l) a fire station – My brother – works – in Exercise 6: Read and complete the sentences. a) Where does she work? She in a school. b) . he work in a bank? Yes, he does. c) Does . work in a fire station? Yes, he does. d) .does he work? He works in a zoo. e) Does he work in a police station? No, . f) Where do you work? I . in a supermarket. g) Does she work in a school? ., she does. h) . your dad work in an airport? Yes, he does. i) .does he work? He works in a police station. j) Do you work in a store? ., I do. k) . your brother work in a fire station? Yes, he does. l) Do you work in a bank? ., I don’t. m) .M.s Jenny work in a school? Yes, she does. n) Where does he work? He works .a store. o) . your uncle work in a zoo? Yes, he does. pg. 3
  4. Unit 9 Where does she work ? Exercise 7: Read and match. 1) Where does your mom work? a) I work in a store. 1) 2) Where does your dad work? b) Yes, she does. 2) 3) Does she work in a school? c) My mum works in a zoo. 3) 4) Do you work in a shop? d) No, he doesn’t. 4) 5) Does he work in a fire station? e) My dad works in a police station. 5) 6) Where do you work? f) Yes , I do. 6) 7) Do Peter and Anna work in a bank? g) No , they don’t. 7) Exercise 8: Find the mistakes and correct them. a) Where do you works ? Where do you work? b) Do she work in a school ? Yes, she does. . c) Does your aunt work in a store? No, he doesn’t. . d) Does they work in a police station ? Yes, they do. . e) When does she work ? She works in a supermarket. . f) We can see many animals in an airport. . g) Does she work in an supermarket? No , she doesn’t. . h) We are waiting for the bus in a police station. . i) Where do your dad work? My dad works in a bank. . j) Does Ben and Jenny work in an office ? Yes, they do. . k) We save money in a zoo. . pg. 4
  5. Unit 9 Where does she work ? Exercise 9: Read and answer the questions : She is a doctor. She works in a big hospital in the city. She sometimes works during the day and she sometimes has to work at night. She doesn’t like working at the weekend. She likes listening to music and taking photos. He is a farmer. He lives on a farm in the country. He has twenty cows and forty sheep. He always gets up at five o’clock. He has to work in the morning, the afternoon and the evening. He sometimes works at night too. He loves working on his farm, and driving his lorry! a) What does she do? b) Where does she work? c) What does she like doing? d) What does he do? e) Where does he live? f) When does he get up? g) How many cows does he have? h) How many sheep does he have? pg. 5
  6. Unit 9 Where does she work ? Exercise 10 :Make questions for the underlined words. I go to school on Monday. What do you do on Monday ? a) It’s eleven o’clock. b) I get up at six o’clock in the morning. c) He works in an airport. d) My uncle works in a school. e) My mom works in a hospital. f) He is a doctor. g) She has breakfast at seven o’clock. h) He goes home at five o’clock in the afternoon. i) My aunt works in a supermarket. j) Peter’s dad works in a fire station. k) I have English on Tuesday and Friday. l) I go swimming in the morning. m) She has science on Thursday. n) Yes, my mom works in a store. o) My sister has lunch at eleven o’clock. pg. 6
  7. Unit 9 Where does she work ? Exercise 11 : Fill in the blanks with the words given. a) I a nurse. d) He a farmer. g) He a chef. b) I in a hospital. e) He on a farm. h) He in a restaurant. c) I helping people. f) He planting vegetables. i) He cooking. Exercise 12 : Read and complete. hospital teacher 4B works four My name is Ben. There are (1) people in my family: my parents, my brother, and me. My dad is a (2) He works in New Scotland Hill Primary School. My mother is a nurse. She works in Wellington (3) My brother is a worker. He (4) in a car factory. And as you know, I am a pupil in Class (5) I love my family and I am happy at my school. pg. 7
  8. Unit 9 Where does she work ? Exercise 13 : Choose the correct answers. 1) do you get up ? I get up at five o’clock. a) When b) Where c) Who 2) does your mom work ?She works in a school. a) When b) Where c) What 3) are they going now? They’re going to the zoo. a) Where b) When c) Who 4) does the museum open? It opens at 10 a.m. a) What b) Where c) When 5) is my scarf? It’s under your coat. a) What b) Where c) When 6) do you have English ? I have English on Monday and Friday. a) What b) Who c) When 7) books are there on the shelf ? There’re five books on the shelf. a) How many b) How old c) How 8) do we have on Tuesday ? We have art and PE. a) When b) Where c) What 9) is your English teacher ? Mr. Davis is my English teacher. a) When b) Who c) Where 10) do you like ? I like balloons. a) What b) Why c) Where 11) are the pictures? They’re on the wall. a) When b) Who c) Where pg. 8