Phiếu ôn hè Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 - Unit 7: Let’s buy presents!

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  1. Unit 7 Let’s buy presents! Exercise 1 Look at the pictures and write : balloons card cake candles hat present ice-cream friends a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Exercise 2: Read and choose the best answer: a) He likes a) choccolate b) cake c) candy b) What does she like? a) candy b) balloons c) nuts c) What is this ? a) tie b) cake c) candy d) Give the to her. a) balloon b) card c) choccolate e) I don’t like a) balloon b) cake c) nuts f) It is a . a) book b) balloon c)present pg. 1
  2. Unit 7 Let’s buy presents! Exercise 3: Write like , likes , don’t like or doesn’t like : like likes don’t like doesn’t like a) Toby . chocolate b) She .candy. c) Jenny . cake. d) Lucy .balloons. d)My sister . presents. f) Peter .balloons. Exercise 4: Read and complete the sentences . a. What you like? I like candy. b. What does she like? She balloons. c . you like presents? Yes, I do. d. Does she like candy? , she doesn’t. e. What your sister like? She likes chocolate. f. What do they like? They cake. g. he like chocolate? Yes, he does. h. I not like balloons. i. Jenny not like presents. j. My brother like cards. pg. 2
  3. Unit 7 Let’s buy presents! Exercise 5: Read and circle true or false: All my friends came to my party.It started at five o’clock. Mum made a delicious cake, we had lots of great food and we drank soda. We played music and we all danced. I bought a new dress for the party. I loved it! I got lots of amazing presents . Mum and Dad gave me a beautiful doll. Jesse a. The party started at six o’clock true/false b. They watched TV true/false c. They danced to music true/false d. Jesse wore a new shirt to the party true/false e. Jesse’s mum gave her a teddy true/false f. They drank soda. true/false Exercise 6: Read and match : a) What do you like? 1) Yes, I do. a) b) Do you like candy? 2) I like chocolate. b) c) Does she like chocolate? 3) Yes, they do. c) d) What does he like? 4) They like cake. d) e) Does he like cake? 5) He likes candy. e) f) Do they like balloons? 6) No, she doesn’t. f) g) What do they like? 7) Yes, he does. g) h) What does she like? 8) She likes presents. h) pg. 3
  4. Unit 7 Let’s buy presents! Exercise 7:Write questions and answers . 1. she nuts What does she like ? She likes nuts. 2. he /nuts yes Does he like nuts? Yes , he does. 3. she/ candy no 4. he presents 5. she/balloons yes 6. he/cake no 7. you chocolate 8. he/balloons no Exercise 8: Write the words in the correct order.Make questions : a) you/ Do /like / candy?/ b) What /like ?/does /she c) Does /he /cake ? /like/ . d) Does/like/she /chocolate ?/ e) She/ presents ./likes/ f)you /like /Do/ balloons ? . g) likes / cards./My/sister/ h) like /Does / he / nuts?/ i) What /like ?/does /he / . j) likes / trains./My/brother/ k) Does/ Toby/ cake ?/like/ l) What /like?/you/do . pg. 4
  5. Unit 7 Let’s buy presents! Exercise 9: Look and write : She likes chocolate,but she doesn’t like cake. Exercise 10: Spot the differences.Look and write. Picture A Picture B In picture A , there is a cake. In picture B , there are two cakes. ___. ___. ___. ___. ___. ___. pg. 5
  6. Unit 7 Let’s buy presents! Exercise 11 : Look at the picture and tick () True or False. True False A. The birthday boy is six years old. B. He invited some friends. C. The birthday boy has received many presents. D. All children have a gift in their hands. E. The children look happy. F. There are many balloons. G. His mom made the cake herself. H. There is a nice picture on the wall. I. There is a boy behind the door. J. It is raining outside. pg. 6
  7. Unit 7 Let’s buy presents! Exercise 13: make questions for the underlined parts a) I like balloons and chocolate. b) She likes candy and cards. c) My brother likes trains and balloons. d) We have English on Monday. e) Toby has Art on Friday. f) There are eight balloons in the room. g) No, I don’t like candy h) My favourite subject is math. i) There is a card on the table. j) Mr. Peter is my new neighbor. k) My sister likes presents. l) His teacher’s name is Miss Jenny. Exercise 14: Read and draw. pg. 7
  8. Exercise 15: Circle the odd one out. 1. a) chicken b) pizza c) noodles d) card 2. a) cards b) presents c) pillow d) balloons 3. a) their b) it c) our d) your 4. a) English b) Math c) Music d) school 5. a) cake b) bed c) cabinet d) shelf 6. a) rug b) blanket c) pillow d) milkshake 7. a) apples b) salad c) pears d) grapes 8. a) he b) she c) they d) their 9. a) sixty b) Friday c) eighty d) forty 10. a) Sunday b) Tuesday c) Yesterday d) Thursday Exercise 16: Find the mistakes and correct them. a) There is an birthday card on the table. . b) Peter and Henry likes balloons and trains. . c) Our neighbors is very kind. They are Mr. and Mrs. Guss. . d) Does your sister like candy ? Yes, he does. . e) What does he likes ? He likes candy and nuts. . f) What do you have English ? I have English on Monday and Friday. . g) Do you like balloons ? Yes, he does. . 8